Worship Service Sundays: 10:30 am
/ Children, Seniors and Others Ministries
Waivers & Conditions:
Precautions will be taken for the safety and health of your child, but in the event of an accident or sickness, Emmanuel Congregational Christian Church, their staff and volunteers are hereby released from any loss, personal injury, or damage to the named participant on this form or his/her property. In the event that your child requires medication, x-rays or treatment, the parent/guardian will be notified immediately. *Your child must be covered by Provincial Health Insurance or equivalent medical insurance.
Please register below to join us on our journey! We are excited to have you with us and look forward to all of the fun we are definitely going to have!
Week Night Youth Group details:
Grades 6-12
Leaders: Mike & Kyla
Location: Sanctuary
Our focus is on discipleship, forming and building relationships, where we may learn and grow together to become like Christ. We are excited to offer two small groups, 'Sunday Youth' that meets during the service in the Youth Room and 'Youth Group' that meets on various nights throughout the week in the Sanctuary. This is a safe place where questions can be answered, where you are accepted and belong as a family of God. Join us as we travel through this year, discovering our paths as God leads us.
Look At What We're Doing This Year!
Behaviour Policy:Any behaviour that puts the participant, other participants, volunteers, or staff members at risk will be grounds for immediate dismissal from the event. Such behaviours may include aggression, violence, unsafe use of equipment, bullying, sexual aggression, as well as any other behaviours deemed inappropriate at the Primary Leadership Team’s discretion.
Sunday Youth Small Group details:
Grades 6-12
Leaders: Ryan
Date: Sundays during Worship Gathering
Location: Youth Room
During this time we will journey through the "Practicing the Way" Curriculum, learning to be with Jesus, become more like Him, and do as He does. We will look at our habits, at ways we can have a deeper relationship with our Lord, and how we can further develop our relationships with others.
Wednesday, March 19 7-9 Identity in Christ
Wednesday, March 26 7-9 Navigating Peer Pressure
Monday, March 31 6-9 Rest Week
Monday, April 07 7-9 Social Media & Technology
Thursday, April 17 6-9 Rest Week Maundy Thursday
Wednesday, April 23 7-9 Dealing w/Stress & Anxiety
Thursday, May 01 7-9 Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts
Monday, May 05 7-9 The Importance of Prayer & Bible Study
Monday, May 12 6-9 Rest Week
Monday, May 19 7-9 (Victoria Day) Serving Others
Thursday, May 29 7-9 Dating & Relationships
Thursday, June 05 6-9 Rest Week
Thursday, June 12 7-9 Current Events & Faith
Wednesday, June 18 6-9 Year End Party